Passengers walking along a train platform with luggage, with a train waiting on the next platform.

Want to find the cheapest train tickets? Our best fare finder is quick and easy to use and can help you save money on train travel.

Our record of finding customers cheap train tickets speaks for itself. Our best fare finder has found cheap train tickets for our customers on over 60% of journeys, with an average saving of 23%!

Our cheapest fare finder helps you save money by:

  • Searching many different ticket combinations, including flexible and advance fares and single and return tickets using split ticketing to get the cheapest fares.
  • Showing you the cheapest fare for your preferred time and travel dates.
  • Highlighting split tickets and showing you the savings you can make.
  • Showing slower trains when they find you a cheaper fare.

Not only can you find the cheapest tickets using our best fare finder tool, but below, you will find more tips to find cheap tickets.

Download Our App

Want to find the lowest fares even faster? Our mobile app provides a quick and easy booking process with fast and secure payments and downloadable e-Tickets.

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How Does It Work?

Use our cheapest fare finder to find cheaper trains. You can make big savings on your journey with our booking engine by following the simple steps below:

1. Enter the dates and times of your trip.

2. Enter the departure and arrival station.

3. Enter the details of how many passengers are taking the journey.

4. Add your Railcard if you have one.

5. Book your journey.

Tip 1 If you can, book in advance for the cheapest tickets
To get the best price on trains, book your journey early. Most operators release advance tickets up to 12 weeks before travel. Advance tickets are in high demand, so the earlier you can book, the better. If you can't buy your ticket until the day of travel, advance fares may be available up to one hour before departure if they haven't sold out.
Tip 2 Keep clear of popular routes at busy times
You can find cheaper train tickets by being flexible in travelling at off-peak times on less popular routes. Tickets are priced based on demand; as these times are quieter, prices are usually lower. If you can travel on weekdays, avoiding holiday periods, you can make further savings.
Tip 3 Avoid booking and card fees
Many retailers charge booking fees, some as high as £3.00, but at Split My Fare, you won't have to pay any booking or card fees. The only charge is 15% of any savings made by splitting your fare, so if we don't find you a split, you won't pay a fee.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I use the cheapest fare finder?

To use our cheapest fare finder, simply search for your desired departure time and date, where you want to depart from and arrive to, and tell us how many passengers there are. We will then show you the cheapest fares for your desired journey.