passenger seat train station platform

Search Split Tickets to get the Cheapest Fare

Save up to 90% when you split your train tickets

No booking or card fees

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Cheap Tickets

Search all our fares, including advance and splits, to find the best savings on your train tickets.

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Quick & Easy

Buy in seconds and instantly download e-Tickets to your phone.

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No Booking Fees

We charge no booking or card fees on your tickets.

How does Split Ticketing work?

Split ticketing means you book two or more tickets rather than buying one rail ticket for your journey. You still travel on the same train without any changes to the normal journey. By splitting your journey into multiple tickets automatically, Split My Fare can make you big savings.

Instead of buying a single ticket from Leeds to Glasgow for £120.00, you can save £96.20 with Split My Fare by buying split tickets from Leeds to Bingley, Bingley to Motherwell, and Motherwell to Glasgow for a total of £23.80. You stay on the same Leeds to Glasgow route and don’t have to make additional changes.

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We find you lower-priced rail tickets in seconds, saving you time and effort in not having to find them yourself. You can buy your tickets using our quick, easy step-by-step booking engine and make huge savings!

Split ticketing is super easy. Travel on the same train as you would if you bought a single ticket. By splitting your journey into multiple rail tickets, you can make significant savings!

Easy to navigate website, I saved two thirds on the price using Split My Fare. Great service.
A reliable and awesome user experience. When I used the refund process they came back to me efficiently and professionally.
SMF’s service not only saves time on booking but gives you a professional method of quickly buying very cheap tickets.

Save up to 90% with Split My Fare

Train ticket prices have risen by over 40% since 2010, passengers are looking for ways to cut their train journeys' costs.

Splitting your ticket is the best way to do this, and it's super easy; you travel on the same train, but by splitting your fare into multiple tickets you can make huge savings! Split ticketing is legal, with the only condition being that your train must stop at all destinations listed on your tickets. Our site checks this for you automatically.

We have revamped our site to make it even easier for you to search for your train fare, including advance and split tickets to find you the lowest prices.

Of all the split saving sites, we typically find the most significant saving and charge the lowest fees.

split train ticket london

Destination Guides

If you're not sure where to go on your travels, we can help out. Our destination guides give you ideas on places to visit. If you're looking to purchase cheap train tickets, we have some handy tips.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Split My Fare?

Split My Fare is a website that sells cheap train tickets through split ticketing. By splitting your journey into separate tickets but allowing you to stay on the same train, we make our customers an average saving of 26%.

Is split ticketing legal?

Split ticketing is legal and allowed by all Train Operating Companies. Your train must stop at all destinations on your tickets but you certainly don’t need to leave the train and jump back on!

Why do split tickets cost less?

Split tickets cost less because of fluctuating demand for tickets to certain stations. our ticket splitter tool splits your journey up to include cheaper tickets.

Do you need to change trains if you buy split tickets?

No, you would only need to change trains when you pay for split train tickets if the journey you are travelling on has a change of trains anyway.

Can you reserve seats after purchasing split train tickets?

Yes, you can reserve seats after purchasing split tickets, assuming the train you are travelling on offers reservations. We will try to ensure you don't but sometimes you may need to change seats when using split tickets.

Can I use my National Railcard when buying train tickets?

You can use your National Railcard for an additional discount when you buy train tickets with us. The main types of railcard are:

  • 16-17 Saver.
  • 16-25 Railcard.
  • 26-30 Railcard.
  • Disabled Persons Railcard.
  • Family & Friends Railcard.
  • Senior Railcard.
  • Two Together Adults Railcard.

Can you save by splitting a train ticket more than once?

Yes, you can make bigger savings by splitting your journey into multiple tickets. We have found the number of tickets for a journey when you buy split train tickets can be anything from 2 up to 10!

Can you split return tickets?

Yes, when you split your ticket with us, return tickets may be included if they are cheaper. We will automatically find you the lowest priced journey, whether it includes return tickets or not.

Is this similar to the ticketysplit tool?

This is similar to Money Saving Expert's old ticketysplit tool in that it will get you reductions on tickets but unlike their tool, we also sell you the tickets.